Cheryl Lemmens Indexing and Editorial Services

Cheryl Lemmens - Indexing and Editorial Services

Book Indexing • Web Site Indexing • Editing


Web Site Indexing: Sites Indexed

Faculty of Information Studies (FIS), University of Toronto
Accessible on this Web site at

The FIS site index was created to provide a central point of access for users of the FIS Web site, in the traditional alphabetical back-of-the-book format — particularly appropriate for the former Faculty of Library and Information Science. The Sample Index page provides information on how it was created. When the FIS Web site was redesigned in March 2006, the site index was lost, but it can still be viewed on my Web site using the link above. As the file is in read-only format, however, the internal links in the index do not work.

Bowne & Co.
Accessible on the Internet Archive (as of June 28, 2001)

Until it was acquired by R.R. Donnelley in 2010, New York-based Bowne & Co. was a communications and printing services company serving the financial, marketing, and business sectors, and had the distinction of being the oldest publicly traded company in the U.S. In the late 1990s, Bowne acquired the Toronto Web development company Quadravision, which was renamed Bowne Internet Solutions (and, still later, renamed Immersant). As senior site editor at Bowne Internet Solutions/Immersant, I worked on projects for a number of clients — including its parent company, Bowne & Co., for which I created the site index that can be accessed through the link above. The index you will see is the one that existed on June 28, 2001, as I was finalizing my work at Immersant prior to its dissolution.

Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d'indexation (ISC / SCI)
Accessible on the Internet Archive (as of February 24, 2007)

This two-column, bilingual index was created as part of my redesign for the Society's Web site. Unfortunately, my index was lost when the ISC launched a new Web site created by a Web design firm, but like the Bowne index it can still be seen on the Internet Archive. At the 2006 conference of Canadian and American indexers in Toronto, I gave a short presentation on my index, accessible on this Web site.

© Cheryl Lemmens. All rights reserved.