Cheryl Lemmens Indexing and Editorial Services

Cheryl Lemmens - Indexing and Editorial Services

Book Indexing • Web Site Indexing • Editing


Indexing for both print and the Web.

Bubo eruditus Make a wise choice!

• High-quality work with meticulous attention to detail.

• More than forty years of editorial experience, from newspaper and magazine work
to legal and legislative editing.

• Exceptional range of subject interests, from art and literature to sports and popular culture.

• I'm always reading — and here's what I've read recently!

From authors and reviewers:
• "As she did for Othea's Letter to Hector, Iter Press's brilliant copy editor Cheryl Lemmens made this book better and richer." — From the editor, Two Lives of Saint Colette (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2022)

• "Cheryl Lemmens was an outstanding copy editor, and the book is much the better for her scrupulous work." — From the editors of Isabella Andreini, Lovers' Debates for the Stage (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2022)

• "The index, often thrown in to books at the end as a metaphorical afterthought, in this case is extremely well designed and readable. Kudos to indexer Cheryl Lemmens for closing the book on such a positive note." — From a review of Bob Baxley's Making the Web Work: Designing Effective Web Applications (Indianapolis: New Riders, 2002)

Recently indexed:
• Alison Hokanson and Joanna Sheers Seidenstein, eds., Caspar David Friedrich: The Soul of Nature (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2025)
• Max Hollein, ed., Suspended Moment: The Architecture of Frida Escobedo (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2025)
• Georgina Martin, Drumming Our Way Home: Intergenerational Learning, Teaching, and Indigenous Ways of Knowing (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)
• Adam Dodek, Heenan Blaikie: The Making and Unmaking of a Great Canadian Law Firm (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)
• Carolyn Whitzman, Home Truths: Fixing Canada's Housing Crisis (Vancouver: On Point Press, 2024)
• Chris Arnett, Signs of the Time: Nłe?kepmx Resistance through Rock Art (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)
• Mary Louise McAllister, Local Governance in Transition: Toward Sustainable Canadian Communities (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)
• Éléna Choquette, Land and the Liberal Project: Canada's Violent Expansion (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024)

Recently edited (all volumes in the series The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe):
• Pompeo Colonna, In Defense of Women (1529/1530), ed. and introd. Franco Minonzio; introduction translated, with foreword and postcript, by Margaret L. King (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2024)
• Tullia d'Aragona, The Wretch, Otherwise Known as Guerrino (1560), ed. and introd. Julia L. Hairston, trans. John C. McLucas, annotated by Julia L. Hairston and John C. McLucas (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2024)
• Isabella Andreini, Letters (1607), ed. and trans. Paola De Santo and Caterina Mongiat Farina (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2023)
• Marguerite Buffet, New Observations on the French Language, with Praises of Illustrious Learned Women both Past and Present (1668), ed. and trans. Lynn S. Meskill (New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2023)

Bubo eruditus — Great horned owl layered paper art © Cheryl Lemmens. Photograph by Tony Lemmens.
All rights reserved.

© Cheryl Lemmens. All rights reserved.